

Never get attached to material things. I’ve learned this from my Mom. Don’t pay attention to anything that can be replaced, bought in store or ordered online. Make room for things that really matter.

That’s why it doesn’t pain me to leave everything behind as I move on and say goodbye to my old life. Somebody else can have it. Or maybe no one at all. But not me. I am starting afresh and building from scratch.

In the ancient city of Tucume people were burning down their temples in order to change the course of fate and start new life. Purification through flames. Old ruins crumbling so that new walls could be built.

The brave new world you step into doesn’t have space for rusty, old baggage. It’s a hollow reminder of things that no longer exist, deceitful illusion of “might-have-been’s” and “what if’s”. Case closed, page turned.

So I leave it all behind. Let it burn; and from the ashes of it all a new hope will rise, spreading its colourful wings like a mythical phoenix.